R.A.E. (Recherche Active d’Emploi) – only in French


Maison de l’Emploi
Av. Charles Thielemans 93 (Town Hall, Ground floor)
1150 Woluwe-St-Pierre
Phone: 02/773.07.35
Mail: secretariat.rae@woluwe1150.be


CREEMPLOI receives every work seeker, subscribed at Actiris and residing in the Brussels Region regardless their level of education.

Attention: sessions are only in French

CREEMPLOI assists job seekers:

  • Individually: Professional and personal balance, help with writing your CV and motivation letter, use of phone, simulations and personal advice.
  • In group:
    • Quick Performance
    • Full Performance
    • Summer Workshops


With support of th European Social Fund and the Municipality Woluwe-St-Pierre