Maison Gombert – Avenue de Tervueren 333

This house is located at avenue de Tervueren, n° 333 and was designed by the architect Huib Hoste in 1933 for the engineer Gombert. It is built on an inclined and triangular plane and consists of 6 floors. Hoste used “elemantary geometry, cubical volumes coated and painted en bloc, a flat roof with garden”. He designed big windows and picture windows as well, to let a lot of light, but also nature enter the house.
It is a sober work of architecture, in which one has voluntarily omitted any kind of decoration: neither ornaments, nor decor, nor cornices. The house is occupied by a consulting firm assurances. The Gombert house has been classified as a monument by the government of the Region Brussels-Capital Region on March 16th, 1995.