Delivery of birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates
Which certificates?
Certificates of birth, recognition, adoption, marriage, divorce, nationality and death.
Public authorities, the person subject to the certificate, his partner, the surviving partner, his legal representative, ascendants, descendants, his heirs, their notary and attorneys can achieve a copy of certificates issued less than 100 years ago. They can also achieve an extract from these certificates containing information about kinship of the person subject to the certificate.
How to get it?
- Or via the electronic desk
- Or via mail :
- Or at the service Population
Go further in Civil Status and Population
- Access to personal file
- Anticipated Declaration relating to euthanasia
- Birth
- Burial – Cremation
- Cemetery
- Certificates of identity for children of foreign nationality who are less than 12 years old
- Declaration donation of organs
- Declaration of death
- Declaration to the Administration (registration)
- Department for foreigners
- Driving licence
- Electronic identity cards
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of belgian nationality
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of family composition
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of life
- Extract of the registers of population – Certificate of residence
- Extracts of criminal record
- Kids-ID (for Belgian children aged less than 12 years old)
- Last will concerning the kind of burial
- Legal cohabitation
- Legalization of signature
- Marriages
- Nationality
- Passports
- True certification of copy