Recypark (local dump)

! The recypark is closed on 7 June due to a strike by some workers of Bruxelles Propreté !


Address :
Val des Seigneurs 146, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
Info : 0800/98.181

The access in only allowed for inhabitants of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre and Woluwe-Saint-Lambert.

Opening hours :

  • Tuesday and Wednesday 09.00 – 18.45
  • Thursday to Saturday 09.00 – 15.45


Please come at least 15 minutes before closure.

You can now bring goods and objects that are still in good state. They will be sold in the shops of “Les Petits Riens”. That means more jobs and less waste ! 

There are also two regional recypark in Brussels :