Management of municipal property
The Legal Service is in charge of the administrative management of the immovable private good (acquisitions, selling, renting, special contracts …)
In particular, the Legal Service is responsible for renting out two rooms to the public. For each room, the conditions are fixed below:
- Communal rooms ‘des Venelles‘, situés Venelle aux Jeux 23/25, 1150 Woluwe-St-Pierre.
Règlement d’ordre intérieur des locaux communautaires du complexe immobilier Les Venelles (in french)
Règlement-redevance relatif à l’occupation des locaux communautaires du complexe immobilier Les Venelles (in french)
Reservations can be mode calling: 02/773.05.79 or by Post to the Legal Service: Avenue Charles Thielemans 93 à 1150 Bruxelles.
After verifying if the room is free, the tenant will be given a form which he has to fill in with diligence and sign.