Consulting the urban planning archives

Urban planning permits or subdivision permits

Consult here the list of urban planning permits issued recently

You can only obtain a digital copy of urban planning permits by filling in the form below.

On payment of the fee of 30 EUR per permit, you will receive a download link giving you access to the relevant documents in the permit(s). It is possible that several permits have been entered in the archives for a single property, or that none exist.

A request for consultation must be accompanied by:

  • the exact address of the property;
  • a copy of your identity card;
  • your first and last name;
  • your e-mail address;
  • the mandate if you are not the owner.

Payment details will be sent to you once we have received your request.


Demande d’archive urbanistique digitale/Aanvraag digitale stedenbouwkundig archiefstuk/Request for a digital urban planning archive

"*" indicates required fields

Localisation du bien/Locatie van het goed/Location of property*
Max. file size: 30 MB.
kopie van uw identiteitskaart/copy of your identity card
Max. file size: 30 MB.
Als u niet de eigenaar bent, voeg dan het mandaat bij/If you are not the owner, please enclose the mandate